

  • Public Ride
Road on Normal Road Ride owner: Sugar Cycles North
Saturday, May 11, 2024
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
53.88 miles @ 23 mph
weather: patchy rain possible
NE 9mph
Feels 77°F
12 mph gusts
67% rh
Sunrise: 06:31 AM | Sunset: 08:06 PM
activity notes
Join us at Sugar Cycles North for our Saturday morning ride! We have several pace groups, all subject to change based on attendance. If you want to ensure a certain group ride, bring your friends!

Race ride: no limits, no ride leaders, show up to drop your friends, suggested neutral start to get the legs warmed up (full route, double loops)

A: 25-26 mph cap (full route, double loops)
B1: 23 mph cap with a 26mph rotating paceline on Little York and Loops (full route, double loops)
B2: 23 mph cap (full route, double loops) with an optional, instructional rotating paceline on Little York and the loops at ~22 mph
C: 20 mph cap (full route, single loop)
D: 20 mph cap (shortened route)

Emphasis on all rides (except Race) on staying smooth off the lights.

For safety reasons: ride in a single lane, no headphones, front & rear brakes are required
map notes

*** Route Update ***
Ride created from Strava route:

A/B/C Group Route:

D Group Short Route:https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45616174

Elevation gain: 160.66 ft
activity tags
no tags created for this ride.
As we're moving into hotter days, can we move this ride to 7:30am
Mark on 5/13/2024 9:02:36 AM
My suggestion: rename B1 into A and lower the speedcap or disallow breakaways. The group rode on par with every A group I've been in!
Jesse on 5/12/2024 12:06:28 PM
Hi Alexey! Thanks for your input, we’re listening and working on it. I can’t speak to last week because some of us were out of town racing, but that’s in line with what we’re doing with our new ride splits (Race/A/B+/B/C/D). We totally get the challenges with riding in larger groups and have added groups to accommodate for additional riders showing up. Saturday will have multiple B groups.
zach on 5/9/2024 1:22:24 PM
Can I suggest an improvement based on the experience of previous rides? Please divide group B into at least two parts: call them B1 (rolling speed 24-25 mph) and B2 (rolling speed 21-22 mph). Every Saturday it's the same problem: no one wants to ride in group A, everyone wants to ride in group B, which ends up being a train of 50-60 cyclists. This is torture for at least 15-20 people in the tail. A group of 50-60 people cannot safely ride on roads with traffic lights, every time before a traffic light the people at the head of the group decide to speed up to 26-27 mph in order to get through the green or even yellow light. As a result, every traffic light is a sprint, with people at the back of the group having to speed up or be cut off by the traffic light. At least half the group runs the red light, but the people in the head of the group don't care and don't look back. Every time you have a group B of more than 30 people, it’s an accordion or a yo-yo that everyone understands and talks about, but no one does anything about. If for some reason people do not want to go with group C (maybe they are embarrassed to look weak), then at least create B1, B2, etc. to artificially divide this crowd into groups of 20 people, where people can rotate normally, returning to the end of the group and safely passing traffic lights.
Alexey on 5/5/2024 2:46:28 PM